Board of Health

Healthy Lifestyle

Health Commissioner

Health Department

General Information

Committee Meeting Information

Below is a list of committee's that meet on a regular basis.  If you have a committee that you would like listed here, please see Christi Allen.

The Accreditation Team meets on the third Thursday of every month at 2:30pm.  This is subject to change based on the Accreditation Coordinator's schedule.  The Committee consists of the following members:

James Adams - Health Commissioner
Robert Knight - Accreditation Coordinator
Amanda Archer - Domain 1: Assess
Colton Masters - Domain 2: Investigate
Patty McConnell & Ashanti Parker - Domain 3: Inform & Education
Annie Butusov - Domain 4: Community Engagement
Linda Morckel - Domain 5: Policies and Plans
Courtney Rusnak - Domain 6: Public Health Laws
Janet Copeland - Domain 7: Access to Care
Jessica Boley - Domain 8: Workforce
Terri Dzienis - Domain 9: Quality Improvement
Christina Henning - Domain 10: Evidence-Based Practices
Christi Allen - Domain 11: Administration & Management
Gus Dria - Domain 12: Governance

Meeting information can be found on the public drive located here: Public L:\ALL\ACCREDITATION on the CCHD server.

All Staff Committee
The All Staff Committee meets throughout the year based on the availability of the committee.  This committee meets to work on the upcoming All Staff Committee meeting on October 24, 2018.  This year's committee consist of the following employees:  Krys Henning (Chairperson), Jim Adams, Nejla Shaheen, Robert Knight, Ashley Archer and Annie Butusov. 

Meeting information can be found on the public drive located here: Public L:\ALL\Staff Committees\All-Staff Meeting Planning Group on the CCHD server.

Division Leadership
The Division Leadership team meets twice a month: 1) First Wednesday of each month at 9:00am - This meeting is for policy review and approval and 2) Second Thursday of each month at 3:00pm - This meeting is for management updates.  The team consists of the following members:  Jim Adams, Robert Knight, Christi Allen, Terri Dzienis, Annie Butusov, Diane Thompson, Laura Roach, Krys Henning, Dawn Miller and Amanda Archer.

Meeting information can be found on the public drive located here: Public L:\ALL\Staff Committees\Leadership on the CCHD server.

Quality Improvement
The Quality Improvement Committee (QIC) meet on a monthly basis.  Click here for team members and for meeting information.

The Technology Committee meets monthly on the third Monday of the month at 2:30pm when a meeting is required or needed.  The Committee consists of the following members:  James Adams, Christi Allen, Annie Butusov, Christina Henning, Kim Koons, Sam Norman and Ashanti Parker.  

Meeting information can be found on the public drive located here: Public L:\ALL\Staff Committees\Technology on the CCHD server.

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